Before you decide to pursue a weight-loss program, you should understand the definition, causes and health risks of being overweight. Here is some important information that may help motivate you to tackle this complex and serious health condition, if you are indeed overweight.
What's the Difference Between Being Overweight and Being Obese?
The terms "overweight" and "obese" are often used interchangeably. Although they both refer to excess body weight, they refer to different degrees of this condition. To determine the degree of a person's excess body weight accurately, many doctors use something called a Body Mass Index, or BMI, a measurement of weight that takes height into account.
A person with a BMI of 25 to 29.99 is considered "overweight." A person with a BMI of 30 or greater, or who is at least 30 lbs overweight (depending on height), would be diagnosed as “obese”, the condition of being considerably overweight. A registered dietitian or health care provider can help you determine your BMI and put you on a healthy diet.
Your body mass index and what it says about your healthMost medical personnel will tell you that being overweight is unhealthy. A long list of ailments await those who are overweight or obese. These include increased risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes just to name a few. Have you ever stopped to think however, that the definition of overweight means different things to different people?
For instance, a 5 foot 4 inch tall woman can be considered overweight at 160 pounds while a 6 foot 2 inch man is on the thin side at 160 pounds. How do you know what's the ideal weight for you? One way is to put everything on the same scale by adjusting for height. This can be done using the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation.
The BMI is used by doctors to assess patients that are overweight or obese. It does a very good job of describing relative weight for any given height and measures your overall total body fat content. It does not however, differentiate between people with too much fat and athletic, muscular body type people. Thus, you should really use BMI in conjunction with other body composition assessments.
To calculate your BMI:Take your Weight in pounds multiply that by 704
Divide that number by height in inches
Divide that number by height in inches again
19 - 24.9 = You Are Fit
25 - 29.9 = Overweight. You should address the problem now! This is when health issues may begin (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol)
30+ = Obese = High risk for health problems.
How Can I Lose Weight As a Young Adult?
Weight loss is a tough topic, especially for teenagers. You may want to weigh less or even look like someone else, but these goals may not be healthy or realistic for you. You may look at magazines, advertisements, and TV and wish you looked more like the models and actors do, but that's a sure way to set yourself up for disappointment. No magical diet or pill will make you look like someone you weren't meant to be. So, what should you do about losing weight?
Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a health care provider or registered dietitian, an RD. He or she can help you set realistic goals. If it turns out that you would benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.
Weight management is about long-term success & will hopefully last a lifetime. People who lose weight quickly by "crash" dieting or other extreme measures usually gain it all back or gain even more of the pounds that they lost because they haven't permanently changed their eating habits. The best weight management strategies are those that you can maintain for a lifetime. That's a long time, so we'll try to keep these suggestions as easy as possible.
Be aware of what you drink!
It's amazing how many extra calories are in the sodas, juices, and other drinks. Cutting out soda completely can save you 360 calories or more each day. AVOID diet soda too, the artificial sweeteners are probably not good very good for you & they tend to make some people hungry. Drink a lot of water. Switching from whole to nonfat or low fat milk is also a good idea, or switching to soy milk is even a better idea.
Move your body!
You may find that you don't need to give up calories as much as you need to get off your behind. And don't get stuck in the rut of thinking you have to play a team sport or take an aerobics class - try a variety of activities from hiking to cycling to rowing until you find ones you like. Not a jock, you say? Find other ways to fit activity into your day: walk to school, jog up and down the stairs a couple of times before your morning shower or take a stroll past your crush's house - anything that gets you moving. Your goal should be to work up to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 3 to 5 times a week - but it's fine to start out by simply taking a few turns around the block before bed. This may also help you to avoid becoming a TV, video game, or Internet junkie!
Start small!
Drastic changes are much harder to stick with than small changes. Try reducing the size of the portions you eat and giving up regular soda for a week. Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.
Stop eating when you're full!
Lots of teens (and adults) eat when they're bored, lonely, or stressed or keep eating long after they're full out of habit. Slowing down can help because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize how much is in your stomach. Sometimes taking a break before going for seconds can keep you from eating them. Avoid eating when you feel upset or bored - try to find something else to do instead (a walk around the block or a trip to the gym are good alternatives). Many teens find it's helpful to keep a diary of what they eat and when. Reviewing their diary later can help them identify the emotions they have when they overeat or whether they have unhealthy habits. A registered dietitian can give you pointers on how to do this.
Eat less more often!
Many people find that eating a couple of small snacks throughout the day helps them to make healthy choices at meals. Stick a couple of healthy snacks (carrot sticks, a low fat granola bar, pretzels, or a piece of fruit) in your backpack so that you can have one or two snacks during the day. Adding healthy snacks to your three squares and eating smaller portions when you sit down to dinner can help you to cut calories without feeling deprived.
Five a day keeps the pounds away.
Trash the junk food and buy lots of fruits and vegetables! Five or more servings of fruits and veggies aren't just a good idea to help you lose weight - they'll help keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy. Other suggestions for eating well: exchange white bread for whole-wheat; drink lots of water and make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Don't skip breakfast. (Having low fat cereal and milk and a piece of fruit is a much better idea than inhaling a donut as you run to the bus stop or eating no breakfast at all!) A registered dietitian can give you lots of other snack and menu ideas.
Avoid fad or prepackaged diets.
If we were meant to eat from cans, they'd grow on trees. It's never a good idea to trade meals for shakes or to give up a food group in the hope that you'll lose weight - we all need a variety of foods to stay healthy. Teens, in particular, should stay away from fad diets because they're still growing and need to make sure they get proper nutrients. Avoid diet pills (even the over-the-counter or herbal variety) unless your doctor prescribes them! These can be very addictive!
Don't banish certain foods.
Don't tell yourself you'll "never" again eat your absolutely favorite peanut butter chocolate ice cream or a bag of chips from the vending machine at school. Making these foods forbidden is sure to make you want them even more. Besides, you need to have some fat in your diet to stay healthy, so giving up all fatty foods all the time isn't a good idea anyway. The key to long-term success is making healthy choices most of the time. If you want a piece of cake at a party, go for it! But munch on the carrots rather than the chips to balance it out later in the evening.
Forgive yourself.
So you were going to have one cracker with spray cheese on it and the next thing you know the can's pumping air and the box is empty? Drink some water, brush your teeth, and move on. Everyone who's ever tried to lose weight has found it challenging. When you slip up, the best idea is to get right back on track and don't look back. Avoid telling yourself that you'll get back on track tomorrow or next week or after New Year's. Start now.
Some Dieting Rules
Remember, any successful diet means consuming fewer calories, eating less food, but eating healthy food. You are fooling yourself if you think a diet that permits you to eat anything you what will help you to lose weight. To lose weight follow these simple rules:
Don't eat a large meal in the evening when you'll have little opportunity for exercise afterwards. It's best to eat more at the times when you are going to be the most active. Eat a hearty breakfast, a substantial lunch, and a light dinner.
- Never skip breakfast!
- Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your food.
- Don't eat while you're doing anything else like watching TV, using the computer or doing your homework.
- Stop frying food.
- If you must snack, stock the fridge with low calorie snacks like raw vegetables and low fat yogurt.
Calorie Burning Tips
1. Instead of riding elevators or escalators, take the stairs.
2. At the supermarket park farther away from the door as you usually would. Take a couple extra laps around the market too if you have the time.
3. Instead of plopping down on the couch during "Friends", do some house chores or better yet go for a nice brisk walk.
4. If you take the bus or the subway, stand in the aisle and let someone else have your seat.
5. Instead of going out to dinner, go out and walk, rollerblade or play pool (something physical).
6. At work, instead of taking coffee breaks, take walk breaks, and no smoking please!
7. If possible once or twice a week, ride your bike to work or to the gym.
8. Instead of sitting back and watching your younger siblings play (or if you are baby-sitting), get on the floor and play with them, at first they may think you are crazy, but they may like it.
9. Instead of letting the dog out to roam the yard, take the dog for a walk.
10. Cut your grass (with a push mower), your parents will love this too.
11. While watching TV, lie on your back and do some leg lifts or some isometrics with your arms while watching.
12. Wash the floors, it burns calories and uses many muscle groups. A clean floor isn’t so bad either. Just be careful of your knees.
Good luck dieting and remember to eat smart!
p/s: For me, health is very important..